How to Start Clearing Out an Overgrown Garden

by Robert E.

Have you tried going on vacation and coming home to an overgrown garden? Or perhaps it has been raining a lot lately, limiting your gardening time and when it’s all over you find that some things have grown out of hand. Whatever the case may be, the best thing to deal with an overgrown garden is to clear it out and clean it up.

If you have no idea where to start, do not worry! We have here a list of things that you should do to get things going. Read on below to find out how to clear out an overgrown garden.

How to clear out an overgrown garden 

Work at the right time

Knowing the right time to work on the garden is very important for your health. You should not be working between 11 AM and 3 PM. This will be the hottest part of the day since the sun is at its peak during those hours. Even if you are not working at these hours, it helps to still use a garden hat and put on sunblock. Of course, have a water bottle nearby to keep yourself dehydrated while you work in the garden.

Start with visible rubbish

The first thing you should do is to pick up the visible rubbish first. Think of all the things you immediately notice when you see the garden. This could mean broken pots, misplaced stones, sticks and branches that have fallen out from trees, the trash that probably blew into your yard, and many more.

Mow the grass

If you have overgrown grass, you should tend to the lawn first. Once the lawn is mowed, you will be able to see your garden better and plan out what tasks you need to do.

When you mow the grass, allow at least an inch of height to remain. This will provide shade for the soil to lessen evaporation.

Use proper equipment

Assess the tools that you need to use. A small hand cultivator will not do as good as a job as a trowel would. And a trowel would not do as good as a job as a shovel would. Assess the area you are working on and be smart about the tools you use.

It also helps to invest in high-quality tools like a garden hose reel. They come with a stable retraction mechanism that will compactly reel the hose when not in use. It is actually a big help when it comes to clearing up and storage.

Wet ground is ideal for weeding

Pulling out weeds will be easier and faster if the ground is wet. You can do this after it has rained. If not, irrigate the soil using your garden hose. When you pull on weeds, make sure that you can pull out the entire root of the weed so that they do not start growing back again to life in a few weeks.

Replant and rearrange

If weeds are a big problem in your overgrown garden, it is best to replant and rearrange your flowers and crops. This is because there may still be some seeds left in the ground and you will have to clear the soil to ensure that those seeds are gone. Add mulch to the soil and replant and rearrange.

Do not rush

Clearing out a garden may take more than a day if you have a big one. You must work at a relaxed pace. Do not pressure yourself! Work on the garden a few hours a day as you normally would.

Start clearing out!

An overgrown garden may seem overwhelming at first but if you go through this list, you will have no problem getting your garden back in shape.

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